Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kaal Taxi - New age Yama vahaanam

Even wondered that how does Mr. Yamraja operate in Indian cities these days, given that his favourite agent, the buffalo is off the roads? A 2008 statistic shows that 50% of all vehicles seized for dangerous driving were "Kaal-Taxis". And there is your answer.

Be afraid, be very afraid. Just when you thought you had rendered Mr.Yamaraja vahan-less with the removal of buffaloes from the street, he has outsourced the service to Kaal-Taxis (Kaal- as in MahaKaal, the lord of death and destruction).Look at the name is its obvious. Most of these taxis as Tata Indicab, indicating, TATA, time to go.

Precautions to take when you encounter a Kaal-Taxi.
1) Always take refuge in cephal-ishwar - the helmet. Just as Markandeya swami was protected by Kapaaleshwar, when confronted by Yama, the helmet is your only savior here.

2) Avoid looking into the eyes of the driver of Kaal taxi. Its often taken as a challenge. Many of you would not know that these drivers have never used the vehicle brakes in their lifetime. Its below their dignity to touch the brake, and so do not challenge these guys for a race by looking into their eyes.

3) These Kaal-taxi guys always have their FM channels blaring. It doubles up as a warning to people who are around that, death is very close to them. In case, you want to please him, you can call up the radio station and dedicate a song to them. They might be pleased and forgive you.

4) There is always a sticker on the back of these Kaal-Taxis asking people to inform them if you see the driver driving harshly. You will never ever be able to reach those numbers. Heck, have you ever heard of anyone calling Yamaraja. He does not take orders/feedback. He comes at his will.

5)Worldy rules do not apply to Mr. Yama or his Kaal-taxis. So, do not expect them to follow any traffic rules.

So, remember to thank you lord for giving you one more lease of life after every encounter with the deadly - Kaal taxis.

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