Saturday, February 12, 2011

How to remember aspects of noun/pronoun and verbs in Samskritam

What makes samskrit crisp and succinct is the way its grammar is structured. As most students, I too struggled with the grammar. Introduction of Bhakti (quite literally) can go a long way in learning Samskritam.

Ok, apart from the Gyan, we know that the nouns have 3 aspects i.e. लिंगम- Gender, Cases - विभक्ति- that relates how the action relates to the noun/pronoun, वचनं - number that denotes the number of nouns, which is Singular, Dual and Plural (interesting aside is our philosophical systems are also advaita, vishistadvaita and other pluralistic forms of worship). So, I found out it easy to remember this as -"Devotional words for Lord Shiva Lingam" - (वि) भक्ति वचनं लिंगम - (Lingam - Shiva; Bhakti - Devotion, Vachanam - words).

Similarly, verbs have 3 aspects to them - कालः - time - past, present and future; पुरुषः- person, वचनं- denoting the number of nouns related to the verb. So, its easy to remember this " The words of KalaPurusha" as कालः पुरुषः वचनं- (Kala Purusha as Shodasha Kala Purusha indicated in the Taittirya Upanishad - ).

Link on grammar -

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